Olympic Stadium Tower New Years Eve

Sat Dec 31, 2016 at 8pm - Sun Jan 1, 2017 at 3am

Olympic Stadium
3200 Rue Viau
Montreal, Quebec H1V 3J3

• 420 people
• Avg age: 18-35
• 80s Music, 90s Music, Latin, Tropical

No: running shoes, caps, jerseys, baggy pants, torn jeans

Sorry, tickets for this event are not available at this time.
Add your contact info below to be informed when tickets become available.


  • Montreal's Official source for New Year's Eve events
  • NO credit card fees
  • Physical tickets: you only pay a small 20%-40% deposit to reserve your ticket and pay the balance when you pick up your physical tickets
  • Willcall and Eticket events require full payment, just show your receipt at the door
  • Secure Online Payments for USA & Canada credit cards


Resurrection , la premiere celebration du Nouvel An

Au sommet de La Tour de Montreal au Parc Olympique et la mise en vente des 420 places disponibles!

Tous les profits seront remis l'organisme le journal de la rue.

Pour la premiere fois de son histoire, La Tour de Montreal, la plus haute tour incline au monde, ouvrira grand ses deux etages superieurs pour accueillir l'evenement Resurrection, une grandiose celebration du Nouvel An. Cette soire fera redecouvrir cet endroit class trois toiles (la cote la plus eleve du Guide Michelin) et se veut la premiere d'une tradition d'evenements.

Les producteurs n'en sont pas leur premiere realisation avec le Parc Olympique. Rappelons la venue de Marc Anthony en 2012 dans un stade amenage en amphitheatre, o l'ingenierie acoustique de haute voltige avait fait sensation. Forts de ce premier exploit, les deux etages superieurs de La Tour de Montreal, au plus grand plaisir des 420 personnes qui auront le privilege d'assister Resurrection 2016.

Deux etages, deux ambiances distinctes :

Au sommet de la Tour de Montreal, l'etage de la vue panoramique

- La meilleure musique des annees 80 et 90

- Video jockey: Crowd/ DJ: Realism / Maitre de ceremonie: Imposs

l'etage inferieur

- La meilleure musique tropicale et latine

- anime par les DJs: Diablo669et Dany-O/ Maitre de ceremonie: Ivo

    What is "Open Bar"?

    Open Bar means you don't need to pay for alcohol! Just go to any bar in the venue and ask for a drink.

    What is "VIP Treatment"?

    "VIP Treatment" is equivalent to "Open Bar" -- you don't need to pay for alcohol! Just go to any bar in the venue and ask for a drink.

    What is "Cash Bar"?

    Cash Bar means you need to pay for your drinks.

    WHERE do we pick up tickets?

    We have several pickup locations in downtown Montreal. During checkout you choose your desired location. The address will also be included on your emailed receipt. Here is the current list of pickup locations

    WHEN do we pick up tickets?

    The pickup dates are Dec 30th & 31st, 1PM-8PM. You choose your desired pickup date during checkout.

    Can a different person pick up tickets for me?

    Yes, but they must bring a copy of the receipt (printed copy or on their phone) and must show us 2 pieces of ID.

    What are "Line Bypass" tickets?

    Line Bypass tickets are more exclusive -- they let you bypass the regular line up and get in before everyone else.

    What is "Bottle Service" / "Bottle Packages"?

    These packages get you your own reserved area at the club, your own bottles of alcohol, and a waitress to order additional drinks from (instead of waiting at the bars). If you're with a group, check out the "per person" price of the packages because Bottle Packages may come out less expensive per person.

    What does "Early bird" / "Advance" mean?

    These are price levels. Ticket prices start low in Oct/Nov and increase the closer it gets to Dec 31. The least expensive are "Early Bird", then "Advance", then "Regular". The tickets are exactly the same -- only the pricing is different.

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